Sunday, 3 May 2009

Away...but not with the faeries!

I've been 'away' seemed to be a mini-crisis where I was making up my mind as to whether or not I was or even wanted to be a heathen anymore!

Stuff like:
Gods and Godessess didn't seem to 'speak' to me anymore.
Wights seemed to have abandoned me.
Ancestors had taken a back seat.
Runes don't work for me.
Pathworking/seidr never happened or even got off the ground.
I've not 'worked' with G&Gs for a while (if ever)
Science & technology better explains life than attributing certain aspects of it to a deity (or more).
Modern life does not demand the 'cushioning' effect of G&Gs.
I'd been reading Marx & Engels literature.

Then I thought of you lot.....friends I've made.....friends I have yet to meet....and came back to my senses!

Crisis over!


Joseph said...

Believe me, I know what you're going through. But, like you, I come out of it through the sheer realization that there are kith and kin that are there, completely tangible, and that keeps me going on the search for the intangible.

Hrafnkell Haraldsson said...

My friend, I am glad you have come back to your senses. I think as Benjamin (The Lost Viking) says, there is more to being a Heathen than religion in any case. After all, it was Benjamin who convinced me you can be an atheist and still be a Heathen!). But very glad to have you back and since I'm not an atheist but believe strongly in my gods, glad to have you back "intact" as well, as it were :)

Hrafnkell Haraldsson said...

P.S. The Shield Wall needs you!

Stuart Leeds said...

Thank you both for the comments.

I think I came to the realisation (pretty much as Joseph said) that the gods can do whatever they do in the sky, or otherworld (where-ever they chose to be) and that will leave us mortals to worry about and do whatever we need to do here on Midgard, for us.

LOL...intact I am! And back in 'The Wall'


v said...

Hey, Stu! Good to see you. Sounds like things are looking up for you and that's great. Hope to have you post more. Maybe we can chat sometime about your experiences? Shoot me an email if you like:

I'd like to run some thoughts by you and see what your ideas and imput might be. Hrafnkell, I might email you too if it's OK.

Welcome back to Blogo World! (:

Anonymous said...

Shit, I missed this one, btu glad you came back :) I would have missed you for sure! There's certainly more to being heathen than the gods and goddesses :) Kith and kin are a central part as well :D